Happy Birthday Canada!!! Well, to celebrate here are two videos, I will let you the readers comment! :)
A Canada day poem by the beautiful Vienna Bombardieri a fellow Canadian Poet!
(Acroustic) HAPPY CANADA DAY Happy Canada Day Happy Canada Day my fellow Canadians, come watch the Ambient fireworks that burst forth from a smokey sky. The Parks are peppered with red/white flags of valor, citizens eat Piping hot dogs, french fries, and fluffy cotton candy treats. You need to see it to believe it, so come watch the festivities and rock with Canadian artists that take center stage with popular songs on demand. Another year of celebration is at hand, freedom diversity unity as one. It's National pride day, we are happy to live in this beautiful land Adjourn with us plop down your lawn chair and sit for a while, Dance, sing, raise your hands, celebrate and join the party. At the end of day, by 1st of July, Canada makes it happen! Dare to wear your most flamboyant clothes and goofy hats today Amalgamate with your fellow citizens and celebrate the old fashioned way You can hold hands, sing Oh Canada, or ask God to bless your land
![]() How ironic that Boris Johnson mocked Donald Trump only to take up his very same views on most matters. Now I do admit, ISIS, Daesh also have the same mindset, if you are not one of us you are the enemy, and all our problems are caused by people who do not agree or think like us. That no one has seen this common denominator is almost shocking. As the world becomes a smaller place, as cultures are intermixed among nations, as technology has brought humans from around the world together, you would think we would be looking for greater means of interacting and co-operating and assisting each other. The age old analogy, build bridges not walls. With technology and globalization, we have advanced the human cause in so many ways, and of course there have also had adverse side effects. This has been true since the beginning of mankind. We do not stop evolving or advancing, we fix the issues, many unintended. The very success of mankind over all other animals on this planet has been intellect and collaboration. Both go hand in hand, and one without the other would not bring about the same result. And yet, we still carry the burden of tribalism, when we perceive times are difficult we all look for an us verses them ideology to explain are woes away. I say, perceive because quite frankly for many in the west, we have overall never been better off. I would invite some to visit other places around the world, to see how some people have to cope day to day. Whenever ones forms a “Union” be it a marriage, a business, a partnership, a trade agreement, it does not mean there is not a short term cost to one side or another. The concept of any partnership is usually longer term goals. Should BREXIT win, it opens the doors to many separatist causes worldwide, ironically even the Scottish one. The instability this shall bring will affect a much wider area than the UK. Had there been some huge misuse, or corruption, or truly unfair business practices, one could maybe see a justifications for the “exception to the rule” however this is no different than the forces of Donald Trump in the USA stirring up racism and protectionism. I shiver to think that without the Syrian crisis and migration crisis the vote would have been different, and that is for sure a scary thought. In conclusion, one last thought. It is easier to destroy than to build, what can take years to build can take but minutes to destroy. Here in Canada, if a Company or a Union wishes to make a major change in their charter, they are required to get 2/3’s of shareholders or members votes. A mere 50% plus 1 does not suffice. The logic is simple , 50% plus or minus 1 is really civil war, so to garnish 2/3’s vote for major changes insures you are truly respecting the majority wishes, and in fact makes sure that the minority interests are also protected. He is one step ahead of Trump, London is GREAT, I mean he did lose the election, so thats true! I do not say all is perfect, and in any free society it will always be hard to arrive at a total consensus, however, over all, I know this. The methodology and thinking of Donald Trump is wrong, and building bridges is always right. Even I have knee jerk reactions that on contemplation and reflection I realize are based on emotion and not logic and are also wrong.
Remember, there is a difference between being right, and doing the right thing! Not a bad final thought to ponder. Please join me in welcoming Robert Lindley as the new Guest poet of the week! As you can not comment on the guest section, please leave your comments here! thank you!
ROBERT LINDLEY GUNS YES…………. KINDER SURPRISE CHOCOLATES NO…… First, I will understand if you think this a joke, I swear is not, and that’s the scary part. Have you heard of Kinder Surprise? Well who hasn’t? Unless of course you live in the USA! Kinder Surprise is banned in the USA but Guns are just fine. I mean really doesn’t that kinda make my point for me? Now anyone who has some antidotal evidence, I concede, you win, for every example I give you, you can toss one right back. However, if you have an education and wish to debate on empirical evidence, guess what? I win! I know I know the government has no right to control you, and yet you register your car, your kids, your pets your bikes, your 401k’s, you have no fly lists, and I could go on and on. (And all of that seems just fine with you) I mean come on, you ban Chocolates and toys on the odd chance it may harm a child, get real. (More on that later) And where are the amendment protectors with this no fly list? The attacker in Orlando was on a No Fly list, and yet, a machine gun? Ah no problems, he has rights. LOL Ok I can’t stop myself here, someone once told me, you can’t change the second amendment!! I asked him, do you have any idea what “amendment” means? Don’t believe me? Wanna have a laugh? YouTube Jim Jeffries comedic performance on Gun Control. Now, I said to myself, being evil and all, what if Kinder Surprise is the true danger the USA claims it to be? Could terrorists use this as weapon to kill all our children? So I went out and bought a dozen Kinder Surprise Eggs and dropped them off at a daycare, then ran like hell. I was sure I would become notorious, and the most wanted evil killer in all of mankind. No such luck, I passed by an hour later and 12 happy infants had chocolate smeared all over their faces with huge smiles and were playing with toys. Damn! Unlike the Texan mother who is for the right to bear arms and was recently shot in the back by her child while driving, yes she sure protected herself.
Now if there was a Kinder Surprise Egg in the backseat……. Ummmmmmmmmmmm Cheryl Anna Dunn as a favorite on Poetry Soup. She will be missed by all, and we all offer condolences to her family.
The following poem is dedicated to Cheryl. Our Lost Angel of Devotion Cherls Poems on Poetry Soup Cherls Bio Lets see fellow Souprs, I guess in this Bio, I’m suppose to talk about myself, To allow you to get to know me better as a writer and a person. So lets see I grew up next to the Lake Erie basin, near large farms, and wild wooded area’s. My mother could barely read or write, but my father was well educated. My father Always said I had a hunger to learn, and it was never satisfied. I agree with him I started to read at an early age, started to write poetry in forth grade it’s always Been my passion. As a child I’d either be exploring nature, or swimming, pretty Much a tomboy, but when I was home I’d be curled up with a book or two. My Grandmother was a painter, and artist, my father before he got frost bite was A consort pianist, so I give these two credit for where I get any talent from. I love history, and love to learn about everything and anything! I have five Children two girls and three boys. Also by the way I have eight grandchildren. I started raising children when I was 11 years old, my brother's son Billy, who Is handycable. I am really proud of him also, I adopted one child named Jaried Who is quite a writer in his own write, my street poet. Patrick my youngest Whom just turned 18, is a butting artist. My daughters Ashley and Amanda, Who keep me young and active. I love to be by the water, but have never Seen the ocean, this is on my bucket list. But even though I have been published. In small forums, my goal for this year is to get my first real book published. Edger Allen Poe, Frost and Browning , are some of my favorite writers. I’ve been Married for 25 years, and am a still on my honeymoon. I work in the human relations Field, and security. Well I think that does it I hope you find this interesting, I'm not for writing about myself. But I'm glad that I joined the soup, and enjoy meeting people whom share My interest in poetry.Take care and enjoy every moment in life to it's fullest. Not all problems are SO bad. This issue has been around for a few years, and I have seen it on both Chrome and Firefox. We have not encountered the problem recently, but think the fix should still work. Hope this helps. This applies to Google Chrome, on a windows system. Please not this problem has existed for a few years now, I have not seen the issue recently, but in most cases this should work. The issue also happens in Firefox, and even the menus are a bit different the process is the same.
Go to settings Goggle chrome will now be in settings however look at your browser bar It should look like this CHROME://SETTINGS Where is says setting, type over it PLUGINS Disable the flash plug in Go back to SETTINGS, and select ADVANCED SETTINGS The choose Privacy >> Content Settings Scroll down and select the option RUN ALL PLUGINS The go to Google, type Shockwave flash, and Adobe should be your first option and re-install the plug-in. This should do it, if not you can try setting Google Chrome to all default settings, and if that doesn’t work, completely de-install Chrome and start over. Remember this has only been tested on Windows systems and does not apply to Android systems. Also if this works or does not work, it always helps ro report the following Systems: example HP Laptop 7700 I5 processor Operating system: Windows 8.1 professional English Browser Chrome Version 49.0.2623.112 Or say Firefox Ver 42.1 Also the moment you have a browser issue, you should try the same sites on a different browser, we recommend have Firefox/Chrome/Explorer on all systems. In many cases once we have our favorite browser working, we will stop automatic updates of only that browser, if it ain’t broke why fix it? This is not recommended of course, but then we update the browser when we want, not when the vendor wants. A similar issue BROWSER BECOMES SLOW This happens often with Firefox Sometimes the browser will become very slow to the point you think the computer is frozen Simply press Ctl Atl Del to bring up the task manager Go to the tab PROCESSES Click on Firefox, then select close This will close Firefox, and then sometimes close another app called “Plug in container” When this is done, simply restart Firefox Remember to do this is the processes Tab not the application tab, as when you re-open Firefox in this way it gives you the option to restore all your tabs. I would like to congratulate one of our guest poets here, Jan Allison for having one her poems picked up by the Cambridge University Press. The poem will be published in Dubai 2017 and is being used as part of a course for children learning English language in the UAE. I know that all the guest poets here and myself are proud of you and wish you continued success in the future. Read her wonderful poem below!!! OWL SEE YOU
Please don’t ruffle my feathers It is very rude when you stare I have the most sensitive hearing And I know you are lurking there I mainly venture out at night For I really am quite shy Many people don’t even see me For I don’t make a noise when I fly My head can turn 270 degrees So my eyesight is extremely good Under cover of dark I lurk in the shadows So you may not see me in the wood |
Arthur Vaso
Hi there, the blog has been running for almost a year, and as you can see I try to keep up a few posts a month. More about poetry and fellow poets, but also about current events, social issues as well as art and music. I look forward to any suggestions from readers and fellow poets! Archives
July 2020