I am basically reposting on article from the news site Deutsche Welle, I have simply changed the title because it struck me every single one of these stories is about people, we should remember who they are, people who suffer and have suffered, not just a news article or statistic. Date 12.07.2020 Author Kim Traill (Vienna) Deutsche Welle Permalink https://p.dw.com/p/3f5ep Along with the link I have reposted the article here, as a few people in other countries where blocked from DW site and thus couldn't read the story. I often browse the Deutsche Welle web site because I find their reporting often unique, informative opinion pieces and human stories such as this. Austria forces Afghan refugees back to face war and terror When Ali Rahimi arrived in Austria in September 2015, he was full of hope. Hope that he would be able to live in peace and learn to read and write. Since his deportation, he lives in constant fear for his life. Until the moment he made it to Austria at the age of 16, Ali's short life had been filled with fear and struggle. He grew up afraid not only of the brutal Taliban in his hometown of Ghazni, south-west of Kabul, but also of violence at the hands of his own father, of beatings which had left him unable to concentrate and learn at school. When Ali was just 11, his father dragged away him from his mother and siblings to Iran, where he was forced to work laying tiles. His father kept all his earnings. Living illegally in Iran, Ali — an ethnic Hazara — was a prisoner, "locked up like an animal." When he turned 16, his father took their money and returned to Afghanistan. Ali was left alone in Iran. It was 2015. Then he saw a glimpse of hope. Europe was opening its borders. It took Ali a month to reach Austria. He applied for asylum at the Traiskirchen refugee reception center south of Vienna and immediately set about learning German. For the first time in his life, with "his head free from fear," Ali "realized he was not stupid" and began to read and write. He made friends. From Traiskirchen he was moved to a home for youths in Graz, where he was given art materials. He taught himself to draw and paint by watching YouTube videos. Two of his works were hung in the manager's office. A first setback Ali's first big blow came in 2016, when his asylum application was rejected. But he "stayed strong" and continued to study German and draw. He joined a football team, learned to swim, dance, ski and ice skate, and was "certain he would be allowed to stay in Austria." He had an Austrian girlfriend, Anna, and they planned to marry. In March 2016, Ali held an exhibition of his artworks in Graz and by 2017 he had illustrated and published his first book: a children's story called "Vaiana und Maui — a small story about a great love." Read more: Austria persists with relentless hard line on asylum-seekers "I had so many plans for my book, and for more books," writes Ali in fluent German from Kabul. But in 2018, he received his second rejection. "My heart broke. I could no longer smile. I had no more chances. I had to leave Austria." On the advice of a lawyer, Ali went to Germany and applied again for asylum in Munich. But there he was told he had to return to Austria. "I cried and begged them to give me a chance to stay and be an artist. But they put me into Schubhaft (detention pending deportation)." After one month incarcerated in Germany, Ali was sent back to Austria. Again he was locked up, this time near Graz. Each week, representatives from the organization Menschenrechte Österreich (Human Rights Austria) visited him. And each week they told him to sign a document agreeing to his return to Afghanistan. "They said that if I didn't, the police would deport me by force, and it would be better for me if I went voluntarily." One week after signing, Ali was sent back to Afghanistan: from Graz, to Vienna, to Istanbul, to Kabul. It was July 2018. A representative from the International Organization for Migration told him he would receive €2,800 ($3,175) to help him settle and start a business. He got €500. At first he was sent to a hotel in Kabul, so dismal he contemplated killing himself. Then he managed to contact his mother, for the first time since he was 11. He could hear the fear in her voice when he said he would come to Ghazni, which had recently been taken over by the Taliban. Pariahs in their own country There was no way to see his mother and siblings without his father knowing. Ali was terrified, and with good reason. His father was beyond furious to find his son back in Afghanistan. Afghan society for the most part believes that "only criminals are sent back from Europe." Those who return are seen as failures who have brought disgrace upon their families. "They think we are drinking alcohol, smoking, doing drugs," writes Ali. And to the fundamentalist Taliban, returnees from the decadent West are "infidels" and "enemies of Islam," who deserve nothing less than death. For the first days Ali's father refused to say a single word to him. When Ali called him "Papa," his father beat him. "He said to me: 'I am not your father, you asshole, get out of my life you animal.'" One night Ali's father tried to force him to take up a weapon against the Taliban, who, as Sunni Muslims despise the Shiite Hazara majority in Ghazni. Ali refused, and his father beat him again. When Ali fled to Kabul, his father beat his mother so badly she was hospitalized. And when Ali tried to return to bring his mother and siblings to safety, he was stopped outside Ghazni by a group of heavily armed Taliban. One Talib took his phone and discovered messages in German to Ali's friends in Austria. Again Ali was beaten and whipped with a belt, and his phone smashed. When he finally got home to rescue his mother, his father discovered him, beat him again and locked him up with their animals. No respite By November 2018, Ali knew he would not survive if he stayed in Afghanistan. He made his way to Nimroz province, in the south, and paid a smuggler to take him back to Iran where he found work laying tiles, again illegally. He worked 12 hours days, living in hiding, in fear. But still he drew and dreamed of Europe. For five months he saved, and made it as far as Istanbul. There he was imprisoned with 2,000 other young Afghans. Every day they were beaten by Turkish guards and after three months Ali was sent back to Afghanistan. He was now 21, and exhausted. Read more: Refugees face cold wait in Austria Ali is one of around 20,000 Afghans who have been sent back — either "voluntarily" or forcibly — to Afghanistan from the EU since 2015. Refugee rights activist Doro Blancke of Fairness Asyl says hundreds more young Afghans like Ali in Austria are now living in fear of deportation. Many are in hiding, traumatized and depressed. "Europe says Afghanistan is safe," says Zaman Sultani from Amnesty International. "But ask if they would travel without an armored vehicle from their own embassy within Kabul, let alone in the provinces." Sultani says deportees cannot return to their home villages because of extreme levels of insecurity and fighting between Taliban, "Islamic State" forces and corrupt local commanders. The danger has escalated even further since the signing of the US-Taliban peace treaty in February, after which more than 5,000 Taliban prisoners were released. Since his second return to Kabul in mid-2019, Ali has been accepted into an art school established by Robaba Mohammadi, a teenage girl who paints and draws using her mouth. He's learned to read and write in his native Dari, and has written his second book in German. But the anxiety never stops. In March, Robaba's studio and school were hit by a bomb. Two of his colleagues were seriously injured. "If the Taliban find out I am an artist," he writes, "they will cut off my head." Austria forces Afghan refugees back to face war and terror
Art by Combo Culture Kidnapper, France ![]() Hemos creado una página para mostrar y agradecer a todos nuestros trabajadores de atención médica, enfermeras y personal de primera línea aquí en Quebec, pero también para agradecerles a todos ustedes en todo el mundo. Eres apreciado. ¡A continuación hay un enlace a nuestra página de Covid! Gumawa kami ng isang pahina upang maipakita at pasalamatan ang lahat ng aming mga trabahador sa pangangalaga sa kalusugan ng linya, mga nars at kawani dito sa Quebec, ngunit din pasalamatan kayong lahat sa buong mundo. Pinapahalagahan ka. Sa ibaba ay isang link sa aming pahina ng Covid!
N'oubliez pas, envoyez-nous vos photos et sourires, nous ajouterons à la page Web que nous recevons.
Rememeber, send us your photos and smiles, we will be adding to web page as we receive.
Testing new shields for Nurse's or Darth Vader!
No do not fret, Castro is not wearing a dress!! ![]() Now any fashion blog, must, I say must start with the image of a beautiful woman! Who ever would have thought! A Fashion blog!!!! However those who know me know that when it comes to fashion, I am FASHION! I know most think of me as a poet, but each and every season, you have no idea how many fashion houses and boutiques, come to me and say, Arthur, what’s the new trend going to be? Of course this happens so often, than when I go out now, I have to be in disguise and dress as unfashionably as possible, I mean like to the MAX!!!!! Do not let my Wal-Mart disguise fool you! Anyone who knows hair knows I am trendy! Ask anyone, Vidal Sassoon, Atiqa Odho or Bechir! Now as most artists and creative people are, I believe in building bridges not fences, and fashion can be one of those bridges. So who would have thought the latest trends, the latest fashion news would come from Iraq? Well of course I know all, and have discovered the latest FASHIONISTAS of fashion!!!! Iraqi Kurdish fashionistas make a splash So with out further adieu I will quote from the BBC! (Whom of course I tipped off about this fashion trend) Conflict and militancy may be first things that occur to many about Iraq, but a group of young fashion-conscious Kurds are hoping to help project a brighter, more optimistic image - and perhaps effect social change along the way. The group calls itself Mr Erbil, after the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq that has been at the frontline of the struggle against the militants of the Islamic State (IS) group. Mr Erbil's launch and first photoshoot last February quickly made waves on social media. Dubbed "gentlemen's gatherings" in a recent profile in Vocativ, it took place at the city's ancient citadel, a UN world heritage site. The pictures of the 20 men posing in latest Western men's fashion - specifically, the style recently associated with hipsters, replete with the trademark sharp suits, tight trousers and lovingly trimmed beards - became wildly popular on via Arthur Vaso’s instagram!!!! Mr Erbil sees itself as something almost akin to a movement representing young Iraqi Kurds who are looking for a better life and want to promote Kurdish culture to the world. The group even hopes to effect social change and challenge traditional attitudes, particularly on women's rights. The Mr Erbil account frequently posts pictures and musings about women's issues in Kurdistan, Iraq and the world. My hats off to the creatively of using fashion as a statement for human rights, women's rights, and doing so in such a classy way. Speaking of Class, Bechir was the consultant for all the hair styles you see above!
Now when I came across this new item, it peaked my interest. This man was evicted from a U-Haul Storage facility. Now I do get there are rules, and you maybe can’t have everyone doing that, but there was one thing that stuck me as kind of odd. You cant live like that because of Government regulations rules and policies etc. Yes you got that right. So it seems that being “green” is in, it seems well its not so in. Here is a guy who managed to reduce his carbon imprint, in a very creative way, and in a way he was comfortable with, and this is not a good thing? I get there are rules and regulations, first as he was such a unique exception, they maybe could have left him alone, however, why not on the other hand give this man kudos? Why not say he has done something that might indeed be a solution for some? Imagine reducing your cost of living and carbon imprint and being happy and content about it. So it just struck me odd, that we are against big corporations and pipelines supplying us all of our needs, that we demand! ( or else why supply them ) and here is a guy that solved an issue ( at least partially) on the consumption side. I know is more complex that I have set out here, but at least this is something to think about, n’est pas? Here is the article from the CBC Canada Tiny home included a double-bed, big screen TV, love seat and a kitchen area with running water By Mike Laanela, CBC News Posted: Jan 13, 2017 2:51 PM PT Last Updated: Jan 13, 2017 2:51 PM PT U-Haul has procedures in place to detect anyone attempting to break the law and live in a storage locker/unit," company spokesman Jeff Lockridge told CBC News. His amenities included a double bed, big screen TV, love seat, hot plate, and toaster oven. He also shows how he ran power to the unit from a nearby plug and picked up phone service with an extra antenna. He also rigged up running water. In a matching post on the social media site Reddit, the man details how he made the small space livable — at a cost of about $100 for hardware. The cost of renting the locker was $205 a month, including insurance. "Staff knew about my power and charged me $5 a month for it.... so I didn't need to keep unplugging the power," he said. He used the washroom in the building and showered at a local gym and claims staff at the facility let him live there as long as he kept a low profile. "I had 24-hour access, I was allowed to be there at any time for as long as I wanted. The only rule I broke was sleeping there," he said.
2016 for some reason seems to have been a terrible year to have been famous! (Yes I am very nervous now!!) So many have passed on. Maybe it’s because I recognized so many names this year, or maybe it’s because so many passed away dramatically at the end of the year that it’s foremost in the mind. Of course it is sad when anyone passes on, however I think when someone famous we know passes away, it’s a stark reminder of our own mortality. When they are famous it’s as if part of our past has died. I have included a list, and although its not all, and I don’t know all of them, it’s a list of either famous Actors/Actresses, Entertainers, Singers, poets, famous people and sports heroes, meaning Hockey players as that’s the only true sport, if you really think about it. For some of you, there will be a few surprises, yes as a special gift I bring death! As the list contains a few persons who are indeed famous but maybe not well know in Canada or America. I should also point out that although not in this list many an Arthur passed away this year. This and the fact so many famous people passed on, well call me paranoid but I am nervous! Yes I am! Please Lord, don’t take me just yet!! Leave a few of us FAMOUS people around for another year!! I want to make it to 2017, as much as I have killed myself so many times within my poetry, it was my idea to do so, the fact someone else wants to take me away I find offensive! I have hired 3 heart surgeons, 3 Doctors, a Dozen nurses from Wales, to monitor my health status and keep me going. I have cut down to 1 large pizza a day and won’t even have whiskey with breakfast. I mean there’s like a day left, and I will skip Kentucky Fried Chicken tomorrow, so hopefully I will be around in 2017! If not, well Cheers! Gordie Howe joins Jean Belliveau in Hockey Heaven
![]() How ironic that Boris Johnson mocked Donald Trump only to take up his very same views on most matters. Now I do admit, ISIS, Daesh also have the same mindset, if you are not one of us you are the enemy, and all our problems are caused by people who do not agree or think like us. That no one has seen this common denominator is almost shocking. As the world becomes a smaller place, as cultures are intermixed among nations, as technology has brought humans from around the world together, you would think we would be looking for greater means of interacting and co-operating and assisting each other. The age old analogy, build bridges not walls. With technology and globalization, we have advanced the human cause in so many ways, and of course there have also had adverse side effects. This has been true since the beginning of mankind. We do not stop evolving or advancing, we fix the issues, many unintended. The very success of mankind over all other animals on this planet has been intellect and collaboration. Both go hand in hand, and one without the other would not bring about the same result. And yet, we still carry the burden of tribalism, when we perceive times are difficult we all look for an us verses them ideology to explain are woes away. I say, perceive because quite frankly for many in the west, we have overall never been better off. I would invite some to visit other places around the world, to see how some people have to cope day to day. Whenever ones forms a “Union” be it a marriage, a business, a partnership, a trade agreement, it does not mean there is not a short term cost to one side or another. The concept of any partnership is usually longer term goals. Should BREXIT win, it opens the doors to many separatist causes worldwide, ironically even the Scottish one. The instability this shall bring will affect a much wider area than the UK. Had there been some huge misuse, or corruption, or truly unfair business practices, one could maybe see a justifications for the “exception to the rule” however this is no different than the forces of Donald Trump in the USA stirring up racism and protectionism. I shiver to think that without the Syrian crisis and migration crisis the vote would have been different, and that is for sure a scary thought. In conclusion, one last thought. It is easier to destroy than to build, what can take years to build can take but minutes to destroy. Here in Canada, if a Company or a Union wishes to make a major change in their charter, they are required to get 2/3’s of shareholders or members votes. A mere 50% plus 1 does not suffice. The logic is simple , 50% plus or minus 1 is really civil war, so to garnish 2/3’s vote for major changes insures you are truly respecting the majority wishes, and in fact makes sure that the minority interests are also protected. He is one step ahead of Trump, London is GREAT, I mean he did lose the election, so thats true! I do not say all is perfect, and in any free society it will always be hard to arrive at a total consensus, however, over all, I know this. The methodology and thinking of Donald Trump is wrong, and building bridges is always right. Even I have knee jerk reactions that on contemplation and reflection I realize are based on emotion and not logic and are also wrong.
Remember, there is a difference between being right, and doing the right thing! Not a bad final thought to ponder. GUNS YES…………. KINDER SURPRISE CHOCOLATES NO…… First, I will understand if you think this a joke, I swear is not, and that’s the scary part. Have you heard of Kinder Surprise? Well who hasn’t? Unless of course you live in the USA! Kinder Surprise is banned in the USA but Guns are just fine. I mean really doesn’t that kinda make my point for me? Now anyone who has some antidotal evidence, I concede, you win, for every example I give you, you can toss one right back. However, if you have an education and wish to debate on empirical evidence, guess what? I win! I know I know the government has no right to control you, and yet you register your car, your kids, your pets your bikes, your 401k’s, you have no fly lists, and I could go on and on. (And all of that seems just fine with you) I mean come on, you ban Chocolates and toys on the odd chance it may harm a child, get real. (More on that later) And where are the amendment protectors with this no fly list? The attacker in Orlando was on a No Fly list, and yet, a machine gun? Ah no problems, he has rights. LOL Ok I can’t stop myself here, someone once told me, you can’t change the second amendment!! I asked him, do you have any idea what “amendment” means? Don’t believe me? Wanna have a laugh? YouTube Jim Jeffries comedic performance on Gun Control. Now, I said to myself, being evil and all, what if Kinder Surprise is the true danger the USA claims it to be? Could terrorists use this as weapon to kill all our children? So I went out and bought a dozen Kinder Surprise Eggs and dropped them off at a daycare, then ran like hell. I was sure I would become notorious, and the most wanted evil killer in all of mankind. No such luck, I passed by an hour later and 12 happy infants had chocolate smeared all over their faces with huge smiles and were playing with toys. Damn! Unlike the Texan mother who is for the right to bear arms and was recently shot in the back by her child while driving, yes she sure protected herself.
Now if there was a Kinder Surprise Egg in the backseat……. Ummmmmmmmmmmm Warning, the video contains some graphic images.Turkey APRIL 23 INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S DAY This national day (23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day) in Turkey is a unique event. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, dedicated April 23 to the children of the country to emphasize that they are the future of the new nation. It was on April 23, 1920, during the War of Independence, that the Grand National Assembly met in Ankara and laid down the foundations of a new, independent, secular, and modern republic from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire. Following the defeat of the Allied invasion forces on September 9, 1922 and the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne on July 24, 1923, Ataturk started his task of establishing the institutions of the new state. Over the next eight years, Ataturk and his followers adopted sweeping reforms to create a modern Turkey, divorced from her Ottoman past. In unprecedented moves, he dedicated the sovereignty day to the children and entrusted in the hands of the youth the protection of this sovereignty and independence. I will be posting a poem on this topic soon!
In the mean time, from the mouth of the children.......... We are the Children We are the just kids Alone in this world My name is Amir I wish you to meet all my friends Here is my Jewish friend Over there my Syrian friend Beside me my Indian friend Ah there is my Libyan friend The little girl, she is from Ukraine There is Tatiana from Russia Maria, well she is from Paris As I know you reading are all grownups and big people I tell you our nationalities I know this is important to you You killed all of our parents in the name of it I am too small I have no wish to be big and adult As I have no wish to kill anyone If ever though I become big I will have big demands from all of you Birthday Cakes for all my friends Please let them have a birthday even Balloons, we all want balloons Can we have animals? Pets? We love them too! Music and dancing We want to see all the big ones singing Laughing and chasing us with hugs Not guns I am just a kid I am not a poet Nor a writer So these are simple words I would say to you, if…. If I could go to school You see, I can not read or write My dream is only you take away my hunger Give me my mummy and daddy back If you can Give us quiet nights Warm beds Shake away our fears Love us more than any hate you have Tell us a bedtime story So that we sleep in happiness and peace Knowing in the morning You will be there I am just a kid A very small one that knows Something is wrong in this world I beg of you, each and every big one Make it right Please This video is shocking The Burka , Sharia Law and Taqiyya
First of all, let me be clear, racism, targeting minority’s whether based religion, color or place or origin should not be tolerated. The case I am about to show could apply to many situations, a black man, a women, an immigrant, anyone at all making a false accusation. Second of all, I am using one example, on one religion that currently has many extremists in its midst, this in no way is an accusation that all are one. The acceptance of all, who respect all, who respect diversity, should in turn be respected, no matter of religion. Also all religions should be accepted, however in secular societies that does not mean acceptance of all customs at all times. Secular means we are all free to practice as we wish, within the confines of the secular legal system. What is little known is most main stream religions also teach the acceptance of this, albeit in many forms and teachings. Here then is the issue. I would submit the Burka is a cultural symbol and a non religion one, however if one, were to claim otherwise, then ok, even there, lets look at this particular situation. In any Muslim country, a woman would have to identify herself to the authorities. Case closed, all arguments end here! Now due to cameras this case of false accusations was clearly caught as it should be. An Officer doing his duty. However, lets look at Sharia law. What should happen to a person who falsely accuses another? Oh I have an idea, lets apply Sharia law The Holy Prophet (S) has been reported to have said, “The person who accuses falsely a chaste man or a chaste woman of indecency, Allah invalidates all his good deeds (and does not give him any reward) and on the Day of Judgement seventy thousand angels lash him from the front and behind and continue to do so till the order is passed for him to be put in Hell.” Seems far, if you use present value accounting principles I am sure 1000 lashes now will do just fine. Then again maybe not, its seems even Mohamed was ok with a wee bit of lying. Another example of lying is when Muhammad used deception to trick his personal enemies into letting down their guard and exposing themselves to slaughter by pretending to seek peace. This happened in the case of Ka'b bin al-Ashraf (as previously noted) and again later against Usayr ibn Zarim, a surviving leader of the Banu Nadir tribe, which had been evicted from their home in Medina by the Muslims. The near absence of Quranic verses and reliable Hadith that encourage truthfulness is somewhat surprising, given that many Muslims are convinced that their religion teaches honesty. In fact, many Muslims are honest because of this. But when lying is addressed in the Quran, it is nearly always in reference to the "lies against Allah" - referring to the Jews and Christians who rejected Muhammad's claim to being a prophet Now some might say, what brought me to this, well, brothers in arms, or pens, attack not a poet who uses peace and the pen to debate and discuss for this brings forth only bloodshed of the innocent. Today's Muslims often try to justify Muhammad's murder of poets and others who criticized him at Medina by falsely claiming that they broke a treaty with their actions. Yet, these same apologists place little value on treaties broken by Muslims. From Muhammad to Saddam Hussein, promises made to non-Muslim are distinctly non-binding in the Muslim mindset. All this being said, ok what is the punishment? If it was I, children need their mother, they are innocent of crimes, however with such vile disregard and respect for human values, I would consider monitoring by child welfare and if I saw no change in behavior, removal of the children from a criminal mindset. Thus far better than any Sharia law, stoning, etc as the all merciful might be inclined to dish out. Please look at these numbers and think twice before you refuse Migrants a safe refuge. With all the fear mongering of politicians, you should be more afraid of your furniture than terrorists, however you should really fear your fellow Americans! Migrants are escaping from the real terrorists, if you are so kind as to accept them, we can only pray some American with a gun doesn't shoot them.
![]() This my first blog post here, and as a poet I think I will touch on a few sensitive issues, however speaking out against what is so inherently wrong, for me, is what more of us should be doing. Its ok to have divergent opinions and different views, what is not ok is hate, fascism and fear mongering. It is this very thing that leads people to extremism. Ironic that people thinking using this tactic in the fight against Daesh will work. Hate is hate, not matter the side you think you are on. ( this is based on a poem by the same name.) I am astounded at the rhetoric and vitriol expressions of hate and narrowed mindedness toward refugees and migrants of today. I am hearing this from people in positions of power as well as the average guy in the street. Migrants are Muslim Terrorists, Mexicans are all criminals, Africans are all thieves and on and on the diatribes go. Yes, it seems Donald Trump has taken the banner of leadership for all the uneducated narrow minded fascists out there. He is promoting hatred and racism for his own benefit, and doing so by making blatant statements that are factually untrue. One should be truly ashamed of such actions although I am sure he is not. It’s of course not only Trump. Due to the USA election debates, we are seeing the true colors of a few contenders Lets look (CNN)Chris Christie says the U.S. should not accept any new Syrian refugees, not even young orphans. Christie on refugees: Not even 5-year-old orphans So, I see, its five year olds we have to be worried about now? Well maybe Trump as plans to give them all a Gun for Christmas if they come here. Really? Is this compassion? People escaping the horrors of War, and to some extent one in which you play a role, and therefore have a responsibility too. This isn’t sad, this is sick. Creating fear amongst the population at the expense of orphaned children. Now we also have the genius Scot Walker, the governor of Wisconsin. His idea? He stated, if we can build a wall along the Mexican border, we should consider building one along the Canadian border as well. Really Scot Walker? Ya think? I mean have you been having issues with drunk Canadian beavers sneaking over the borders at night? Are Canadian Moose crossing the border to live high off the hog? Are maybe a few leaves blowing over on to your side? If so we are truly sorry. Now you would think a Governor of a Northern State would have a little more common sense on the issues but apparently not. He was jumping on the Trump wagon, fear fear fear! I am not picking political sides, as it seems it’s the in thing in the western world for all parties to instill fear and dire warnings of doom and gloom, and yes all because of Migrants. Hilary Clinton, now she said all the terrorists of 911 came from Canada. Really? Well ah no, wrong again. To this day she has never apologized for that. Some Migrants by the way are coming from Libya, you remember that country? Hilary ensured utter chaos there. When there was little need at the moment to interfere there, other than it was good “Optics” for an Arab Spring. I am not singling out the USA, all western nations play a role in bringing compassion and aide to people in need, Now usually for most of us, we close our eyes, well folks they be knocking on your doors now. Now back to the big cheese, Donald Trumpet. He wants to deport all the illegal Mexicans and not let in any Syrian refugees. Such a softie with a kind heart that guy. Plus a wall, to keep the rest out! Well I have some news for you Donald Trumpet. More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.Net Loss of 140,000 from 2009 to 2014; Family Reunification Top Reason for Return Yes sir, maybe he should focus on truly making America great again, and well maybe, one does that by bringing in skilled people and people willing to work, not kicking them out. Now, I am not saying open borders and just let everyone in. I think we have the resources to screen, and that we can certainly take up a share of the people so desperate to simply be able to work and live in peace. Surely, even we have so many issues at home, we can still lend a hand to those in far dire needs than our own? I will close saying this, remember this, one day it could be you. How would you like to be treated? Saudi Arabia Bans the adoption of Syrian Orphans, Do we wish to follow in their path? We are all humans; do unto others as you would have them do unto you. |
Arthur Vaso
Hi there, the blog has been running for almost a year, and as you can see I try to keep up a few posts a month. More about poetry and fellow poets, but also about current events, social issues as well as art and music. I look forward to any suggestions from readers and fellow poets! Archives
July 2020