There is enough said about Donald Trump, he is a Traitor for one, a self centered, narcissist son of a bitch to be blunt. He has the education of cockroach with a lobotomy, on crack. Ask me how I really feel? He is also without any doubt a criminal, who has robbed and defrauded many, he just hasn't been convicted yet. A conman without any doubt. However his racism, his abuse of women, his abuse of the weak and his abuse of veterans and mentally handicapped is beyond the pail. Not to mention his anti-gay gender views. How does a man become the man he is? The age old debate, of environment verses genetics. Whatever the answer, lets take a peek into his fathers history. Now this is never an excuse, but once you read, is it no wonder the dummy turned out as he did? Although this was photo shopped, it was about Donald Trump giving the KKK special permissions to hold a rally. Here are exerts from an article by Marie Loveland Trump’s Dad Was So Racist, Woody Guthrie Wrote A Song About It In 1950, Woody Guthrie signed a lease for an apartment in Brooklyn; his landlord was Fred C. Trump By Mariel Loveland In 2015, future President Donald Trump issued a seemingly innocuous-but increasingly portentous when put into context-statement: “My legacy has roots in my father’s legacy.” But it might be more than business acumen that has trickled down from the top of the gold-encrusted Trump family tree. Trump’s dad Fred had an unexpected occupant in one of his New York properties in the early 1950s: American singer-songwriter and social justice warrior Woody Guthrie. And guess what? Guthrie was no fan of “Old Man Trump.” While contemporary musicians like Adele, Miley Cyrus, and Waka Flocka Flame have all taken to social media in order to criticize Donald Trump’s ideals, this was merely round two of musicians coming for the Trumps. Over 60 years ago, Guthrie was feverishly penning tunes lambasting Fred Trump for racist behavior. “Old Man Trump,” Guthrie’s song about Fred, exposed a dark world where the landlord and rumored KKK affiliate profited from an apartment complex that housed only white families. It included the scathing lines, “I suppose that Old Man Trump knows just how much racial hate/He stirred up in that bloodpot of human hearts/When he drawed that color line.” FRED TRUMP ARRESTED AT KKK RALLY In May of 1927, a 21-year-old Fred Trump was arrested in the melee surrounding a Klan rally in Jamaica, Queens. A New York Times article from the incident describes the scene as “1,000 Klansmen and 100 policemen [staging] a free-for-all.” For his part, Donald Trump vehemently denied that his father was ever arrested at a Klan rally, and he urged New York Times reporter Jason Horowitz to drop the subject in an interview, stating, “It shouldn’t be written because it never happened, number one. And number two, there was nobody charged.” Trump did get one thing right: his father was never charged. Out of the seven people arrested, Trump’s father was the only one who got off completely free. According to a clipping from the now defunct Daily Star, four of those arrested were expected to go to court, and two were paroled. One, Fred Trump, was not held on charges. However, this doesn’t negate his standing as a member of the Klan. According to newspaper clip obtained by VICE, all the people arrested were wearing Klan attire, which VICE contends likely would have included Fred Trump. Guthrie’s lyrics went as follows: I suppose Old Man Trump knows Just how much Racial Hate he stirred up In the bloodpot of human hearts When he drawed That color line Here at his Eighteen hundred family project. What Guthrie didn’t know was that the FHA had specific racial guidelines |
Yes I know I have not posted a blog in a long time, for anyone who blogs this is a Major crime, like Abba I have simply been away for a long time. Many projects are in the works, so stay tuned, more to come! Now look to the right! Dancing Queens!!!!! Yes after 35 years they have recorded two new songs! Now we will all wonder the same magic or not, however I have to wish for the magic! They have been offered over 1 billion dollars in the past to perform and turned it down. ( I have turned down 2 billion so no big deal there) |
And a huge thanks to the models here, you know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smiles
Also I guess the subtext here is never judge a book by the cover!
Enjoy and Listen!
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Now strictly speaking, I will broaden the topic a wee bit to include a few more songs, but I was inspired by the music of yesteryear's. I found the 1920’s era, both romantic, musical and more than that a common thread between both France and the USA as many musicians traveled back and forth between the two countries.
For me a poetic time, and a period very romanticized, by many including of course myself.
This blog is very much about music, and carries a few small subtexts, both “Then and now” as well as inclusion. Ironic that from Prohibition came more integration of races and the sexes. All I can say is music itself is a great uniter of the human spirit!
I added one song at the end, bring both the past and present together!
A speakeasy is an illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages. Such establishments came into prominence in the United States during the Prohibition era (1920–1933, longer in some states). During that time, the sale, manufacture, and transportation (bootlegging) of alcoholic beverages was illegal throughout the United States.[1]
Speakeasies largely disappeared after Prohibition was ended in 1933, and the term is now used to describe some retro style bars.
Speakeasies were numerous and popular during the Prohibition years. Some of them were operated by people who were part of organized crime. Even though police and agents of the Bureau of Prohibition would often raid them and arrest their owners and patrons, they were so profitable that they continued to flourish. The speakeasy soon became one of the biggest parts of American culture during this time. Several changes happened as speakeasies formed; one was with integration. With "black and tans", people of all races, black or white, would gather together and even mingle. People would mix together and have few or no problems.
Another change that occurred was more participation from women. Many businesses would set up their speakeasies to attract women to get more profits.Women also began to insert themselves into the business of speakeasies. Texas Guinan, a former screen and stage actress, opened many speakeasies during Prohibition such as the 300 Club and the El Fey. Guinan greeted customers with "Hey Suckers" and admitted she'd be nothing without Prohibition. Her two biggest competitors were Helen Morgan and Belle Livingston.
| Sometimes that bell rings in your head and for some reason I thought of this song! I said for me this is poetry. Not only for the lyrics themselves, but because having watched this video, well I envisioned the underdog, the frog and the prince so to speak, and he sings with such powerful , ok I will say it, poetic emotion. |
THE PRETTIEST OF FEATHERS delves into the deep and dark mind of a psychotic killer. What is interesting is the dance between his latest victim and himself, one bent on killing and the other seemingly wanting to be killed. I will say no more, not to spoil the read!
I will add however the start of the story takes place in a bookshop, and poetry plays a role!
THE KILLING CIRCLE. Is another thriller based on a writing group. (by Andrew Pyper) Now as most interactions between writers and poets is via the internet, I am sure many could relate to this one. Oh how much fun it would be …. If only……………. Ah if only one could keep a secret! J
Now I have shared these good reads with a few poets on the PoetrySoup, so it will be interesting if this should maybe inspire a poem or two. I most surely think it will.
As Halloween is just around the corner, I thought what a fitting post!
Now this would be easy to do, however being mainly a poetry site, I thought as relevant as the topics may be, at times it can be a little over the top for a poetry site, even these are topics I often write about. So…
How about something more uplifting, less serious and none the less not without meaning, not to mention very entertaining!
I love music, I play classical guitar, and love when I hear truly talented voices and musicians! However what I truly love in life and music is diversity, and so this music video provides all that.
Arthur Vaso
Hi there, the blog has been running for almost a year, and as you can see I try to keep up a few posts a month. More about poetry and fellow poets, but also about current events, social issues as well as art and music. I look forward to any suggestions from readers and fellow poets!
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