Enjoy and Listen!
Now strictly speaking, I will broaden the topic a wee bit to include a few more songs, but I was inspired by the music of yesteryear's. I found the 1920’s era, both romantic, musical and more than that a common thread between both France and the USA as many musicians traveled back and forth between the two countries. For me a poetic time, and a period very romanticized, by many including of course myself. This blog is very much about music, and carries a few small subtexts, both “Then and now” as well as inclusion. Ironic that from Prohibition came more integration of races and the sexes. All I can say is music itself is a great uniter of the human spirit! I added one song at the end, bring both the past and present together! From Wiki
A speakeasy is an illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages. Such establishments came into prominence in the United States during the Prohibition era (1920–1933, longer in some states). During that time, the sale, manufacture, and transportation (bootlegging) of alcoholic beverages was illegal throughout the United States.[1] Speakeasies largely disappeared after Prohibition was ended in 1933, and the term is now used to describe some retro style bars. Speakeasies were numerous and popular during the Prohibition years. Some of them were operated by people who were part of organized crime. Even though police and agents of the Bureau of Prohibition would often raid them and arrest their owners and patrons, they were so profitable that they continued to flourish. The speakeasy soon became one of the biggest parts of American culture during this time. Several changes happened as speakeasies formed; one was with integration. With "black and tans", people of all races, black or white, would gather together and even mingle. People would mix together and have few or no problems. Another change that occurred was more participation from women. Many businesses would set up their speakeasies to attract women to get more profits.Women also began to insert themselves into the business of speakeasies. Texas Guinan, a former screen and stage actress, opened many speakeasies during Prohibition such as the 300 Club and the El Fey. Guinan greeted customers with "Hey Suckers" and admitted she'd be nothing without Prohibition. Her two biggest competitors were Helen Morgan and Belle Livingston.
Often we think of some poems as lyrical, or the form is lyrical even thought they are never put to music. Then it occurred to me, what about songs that are really poetry?
To see the above video you may be asked to view it direct from YouTube, this is safe to do so! If anyone has a song that instills the same emotions and thoughts, feel free to contact me, I would love to extend this concept!
No do not fret, Castro is not wearing a dress!! ![]() Now any fashion blog, must, I say must start with the image of a beautiful woman! Who ever would have thought! A Fashion blog!!!! However those who know me know that when it comes to fashion, I am FASHION! I know most think of me as a poet, but each and every season, you have no idea how many fashion houses and boutiques, come to me and say, Arthur, what’s the new trend going to be? Of course this happens so often, than when I go out now, I have to be in disguise and dress as unfashionably as possible, I mean like to the MAX!!!!! Do not let my Wal-Mart disguise fool you! Anyone who knows hair knows I am trendy! Ask anyone, Vidal Sassoon, Atiqa Odho or Bechir! Now as most artists and creative people are, I believe in building bridges not fences, and fashion can be one of those bridges. So who would have thought the latest trends, the latest fashion news would come from Iraq? Well of course I know all, and have discovered the latest FASHIONISTAS of fashion!!!! Iraqi Kurdish fashionistas make a splash So with out further adieu I will quote from the BBC! (Whom of course I tipped off about this fashion trend) Conflict and militancy may be first things that occur to many about Iraq, but a group of young fashion-conscious Kurds are hoping to help project a brighter, more optimistic image - and perhaps effect social change along the way. The group calls itself Mr Erbil, after the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq that has been at the frontline of the struggle against the militants of the Islamic State (IS) group. Mr Erbil's launch and first photoshoot last February quickly made waves on social media. Dubbed "gentlemen's gatherings" in a recent profile in Vocativ, it took place at the city's ancient citadel, a UN world heritage site. The pictures of the 20 men posing in latest Western men's fashion - specifically, the style recently associated with hipsters, replete with the trademark sharp suits, tight trousers and lovingly trimmed beards - became wildly popular on via Arthur Vaso’s instagram!!!! Mr Erbil sees itself as something almost akin to a movement representing young Iraqi Kurds who are looking for a better life and want to promote Kurdish culture to the world. The group even hopes to effect social change and challenge traditional attitudes, particularly on women's rights. The Mr Erbil account frequently posts pictures and musings about women's issues in Kurdistan, Iraq and the world. My hats off to the creatively of using fashion as a statement for human rights, women's rights, and doing so in such a classy way. Speaking of Class, Bechir was the consultant for all the hair styles you see above!
Berlin Diary by William L.Shirer This non-fiction book is without a doubt a GREAT READ! This basically covers the build up of Nazi Germany and you get the perspective and views from inside the country. What I liked about this book, as it covers not only the historical context and content, but it’s basically from a personal point of view and describes the day to day life people had to live under. You get to see both the he right and wrong assumptions of someone who is living the period without the benefit of hindsight. I found the book very refreshing and a stark reminder of how this could come to be, even in our times. With the election of Donald Trump, I found this book very relevant, and I certainly hope in this case history will not repeat itself, however its certainly a wake up to call to be on guard. I hope the American system can withstand the likes of Trump, and regardless of whether his intentions are the same or simply the actions of a psychotic egomaniac, the sad part is the outcome could be the same. Below is a summary of the book by Wiki. Berlin Diary (1934–1941) is a first-hand account of the rise of Nazi Germany and its road to war, as witnessed by the American journalist William L. Shirer. He was a radio reporter for CBS, covered Germany for several years until the Nazi press censors made it impossible for him to report objectively to his listeners in the United States; feeling increasingly uncomfortable, he left the country. The identities of many of Shirer's German sources were disguised to protect these people from retaliation by the German secret police, the Gestapo. The contents of this book provided much of the material for his landmark book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. In 1947, End of a Berlin Diary continued and finished the story of the Third Reich, from July 20, 1944, to the Nuremberg Trials. William Shrier (left) As a side note, Donal Trump has banned Syrians from the USA, I wonder how much the American economy would have suffered had he prevented STEVE JOBS from entering the USA, yes he was a Syrian!
Now when I came across this new item, it peaked my interest. This man was evicted from a U-Haul Storage facility. Now I do get there are rules, and you maybe can’t have everyone doing that, but there was one thing that stuck me as kind of odd. You cant live like that because of Government regulations rules and policies etc. Yes you got that right. So it seems that being “green” is in, it seems well its not so in. Here is a guy who managed to reduce his carbon imprint, in a very creative way, and in a way he was comfortable with, and this is not a good thing? I get there are rules and regulations, first as he was such a unique exception, they maybe could have left him alone, however, why not on the other hand give this man kudos? Why not say he has done something that might indeed be a solution for some? Imagine reducing your cost of living and carbon imprint and being happy and content about it. So it just struck me odd, that we are against big corporations and pipelines supplying us all of our needs, that we demand! ( or else why supply them ) and here is a guy that solved an issue ( at least partially) on the consumption side. I know is more complex that I have set out here, but at least this is something to think about, n’est pas? Here is the article from the CBC Canada Tiny home included a double-bed, big screen TV, love seat and a kitchen area with running water By Mike Laanela, CBC News Posted: Jan 13, 2017 2:51 PM PT Last Updated: Jan 13, 2017 2:51 PM PT U-Haul has procedures in place to detect anyone attempting to break the law and live in a storage locker/unit," company spokesman Jeff Lockridge told CBC News. His amenities included a double bed, big screen TV, love seat, hot plate, and toaster oven. He also shows how he ran power to the unit from a nearby plug and picked up phone service with an extra antenna. He also rigged up running water. In a matching post on the social media site Reddit, the man details how he made the small space livable — at a cost of about $100 for hardware. The cost of renting the locker was $205 a month, including insurance. "Staff knew about my power and charged me $5 a month for it.... so I didn't need to keep unplugging the power," he said. He used the washroom in the building and showered at a local gym and claims staff at the facility let him live there as long as he kept a low profile. "I had 24-hour access, I was allowed to be there at any time for as long as I wanted. The only rule I broke was sleeping there," he said. Now many know Jeffrey Deaver, a No 1 best selling author, famous for his Lincoln Rhyme series of books. Having read many of his books, I was browsing a bookshop and came across one of his called “The October List”. I knew one can’t go wrong with a novel by him. So, I was in for a few surprises, and not quite sure pleasant ones. He wrote the book backwards! That’s correct backwards. The book starts at Chapter 36 and so you at least have no doubt you will getting 36 chapters worth of novel. However I certainly couldn’t see how this was going work, and was a little skeptical after the first few, or shall I say the last few chapters. But come on its Jeffery Deaver here, have faith I told myself. Life can only be understood backwards; but I must be lived forwards. Søren Kierkegaard So onwards I marched, reading a newer chapter by newer chapter, and slowly, like any addictive drug I became hooked. This is a Mystery Thriller that with each earlier newer chapter gets better and better.
What is also interesting, is at the beginning of each chapter is a photo, something you don’t always see in novels these days, and explained at the end, end of the book, where I might add is the table of contents, yes at the end of the book. This book was after all written backwards. Its about a woman Gabriella, whose was leading a normal life, and a kidnapper takes her daughter and not only demands an impossible ransom, but demands she find a list she knows nothing about in twenty four hours. Definitely a great read!!!
2016 for some reason seems to have been a terrible year to have been famous! (Yes I am very nervous now!!) So many have passed on. Maybe it’s because I recognized so many names this year, or maybe it’s because so many passed away dramatically at the end of the year that it’s foremost in the mind. Of course it is sad when anyone passes on, however I think when someone famous we know passes away, it’s a stark reminder of our own mortality. When they are famous it’s as if part of our past has died. I have included a list, and although its not all, and I don’t know all of them, it’s a list of either famous Actors/Actresses, Entertainers, Singers, poets, famous people and sports heroes, meaning Hockey players as that’s the only true sport, if you really think about it. For some of you, there will be a few surprises, yes as a special gift I bring death! As the list contains a few persons who are indeed famous but maybe not well know in Canada or America. I should also point out that although not in this list many an Arthur passed away this year. This and the fact so many famous people passed on, well call me paranoid but I am nervous! Yes I am! Please Lord, don’t take me just yet!! Leave a few of us FAMOUS people around for another year!! I want to make it to 2017, as much as I have killed myself so many times within my poetry, it was my idea to do so, the fact someone else wants to take me away I find offensive! I have hired 3 heart surgeons, 3 Doctors, a Dozen nurses from Wales, to monitor my health status and keep me going. I have cut down to 1 large pizza a day and won’t even have whiskey with breakfast. I mean there’s like a day left, and I will skip Kentucky Fried Chicken tomorrow, so hopefully I will be around in 2017! If not, well Cheers! Gordie Howe joins Jean Belliveau in Hockey Heaven
Of course, I have been blessed to know so many more lovely poets on PoetrySoup from all over the world, however as my heart and soul often travels there, this is my way to give praise and thanks. I hope one day to visit Malta and also one day to return to Lebanon. The link above is my 2016 Christmas page, so I shall say again Merry Christmas to everyone the world over and god bless. Oh and Cheers!
Made my 500km goal by November 2016 This is the new Dorval Aquatic Center where I swim!
Sept 1934 to Nov 2016 We have lost a great poet, writer and musician. A fellow Montreal-er who has inspired many of my writes. I hope to add to this blog later on, for now a song and a few photos!
The Prettiest of feathers and The Killing Circle Psychological thrillers are not my favorite genre; however in this case, I shall recommend two books I thoroughly enjoyed. One is by a Canadian author and takes place in Ontario Canada, the other is by both John Philpin and Patricia Sierra. THE PRETTIEST OF FEATHERS delves into the deep and dark mind of a psychotic killer. What is interesting is the dance between his latest victim and himself, one bent on killing and the other seemingly wanting to be killed. I will say no more, not to spoil the read! I will add however the start of the story takes place in a bookshop, and poetry plays a role! THE KILLING CIRCLE. Is another thriller based on a writing group. (by Andrew Pyper) Now as most interactions between writers and poets is via the internet, I am sure many could relate to this one. Oh how much fun it would be …. If only……………. Ah if only one could keep a secret! J Now I have shared these good reads with a few poets on the PoetrySoup, so it will be interesting if this should maybe inspire a poem or two. I most surely think it will. As Halloween is just around the corner, I thought what a fitting post! It has been a while since I have posted a blog! Yes there is a reason for this. It has not been for lack of ideas or topics, simply because with current events, most of my ideas have been focused on American Politics, aka Humpty Dumpty and his wall, and of course the ongoing suffering in the world, mainly the war in Syria, and Russia’s indiscriminate bombing of hospitals, children and civilian areas! See I can’t stop myself!!! Now this would be easy to do, however being mainly a poetry site, I thought as relevant as the topics may be, at times it can be a little over the top for a poetry site, even these are topics I often write about. So… How about something more uplifting, less serious and none the less not without meaning, not to mention very entertaining! I love music, I play classical guitar, and love when I hear truly talented voices and musicians! However what I truly love in life and music is diversity, and so this music video provides all that. I might also add a small side note! The strength of her voice for some reason reminds me the strength of another woman’s poetry, Eileen Manassian. I find that poetry, art, music, culture so intertwined and beautiful, and I love when form or poet or artist or singer, reminds me of another. This is often the muse required for creating yet more original words!!!!!
Enjoy!!!!! I will simply re-post his Bio, thats says it all, this young man is an inspiration, both his story and his own spirit, and his brothers. Let no one tell you love is not powerful. I have posted a poem in the Humanity-People section EMMANUEL His Bio from his Page
Bio Of Emmanuel KellyEmmanuel Kelly has always dreamed of becoming a professional recording artist. This inner spirit of determination and courage together with a beautiful voice and performance moved demanding judges and many of the 6000+ audience to tears and a standing ovation on The X Factor’s opening night on 29th September 2011. Emmanuel wowed judges Ronan Keating, Spice Girl Mel Brown, Natalie Bassingthwaighte and Guy Sebastian with his heartfelt performance, Ronan Keating said, “I don’t think I’ve ever been as moved as I was by that performance ever!” Emmanuel was born into war torn Iraq and abandoned by his parents as a baby, he was raised at an orphanage ran by the Mother Theresa nuns, before being rescued by his now mum Moira Kelly and brought to Australia for life changing surgery. Over the last 14 years being in Australia Emmanuel has had over 6 surgeries and has had to step over huge hurdles to try and achieve his goals. he has always had his eyes set on huge dreams. In his words: “You have to dream to achieve the greatest goals in life.” Emmanuel has melted the hearts of millions around the world. Within days of his X Factor audition Emmanuel’s YouTube video received over 12 million views; in 6 months he generated an amazing 50 million hits, today Emmanuel is estimated to have over 100 million views all over YouTube. Emmanuel’s rendition of Imagine even touched Yoko Ono so much that she tweeted “Thank you, Emmanuel. You sang beautifully! Thank you. John would have been proud of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love, Yoko”. Since his Appearance on X factor Emmanuel has released 3 singles, one dedicated to mothers called A Song For Edis, which charted in the top 100 in Australia whilst having very limited marketing and no radio air play, Dream Big which is featured in the U.S movie Crooked Arrows as the end title track and Let love find you which went on to chart in the top 40 in Australia and top 100 in 4 different countries. Despite the fact of again having very small limited marketing, no budget and mainstream radio refusing to play the track Emmanuel still was able to beet the odds. He has also produced, recorded and written with U.S and Canadian writers. performed concerts, toured and spoke around the USA and Europe, in 2012 Emmanuel Performed in front of a crowd of over 8,000 at the famous MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, he has performed at main platform events around the world to audiences of over 10,000 and has even auditioned for the hit program Glee. There is nothing ‘ordinary’ about the extraordinary Emmanuel Kelly, neither his start in life nor growing up. However, Emmanuel says that his damaged limbs have not held him back and never will. He is not looking for sympathy. “I have actually been through nothing compared to some of the other kids I have met.” Emmanuel’s sheer passion for singing, for life, for ‘dreaming big’ in the face of HUGE obstacles is a much needed message for our troubled times. It is a message with mass appeal that transcends boarders, boundaries, countries, cultures and religions and ages. In a world consumed with all too often insignificant worries or stress, Emmanuel is an immediate wake-up call with the innate ability to touch, move and inspire young and old alike to their very core. In Emmanuel’s words; “I may not have the greatest voice or looks but I do have a passion and that is to sing and entertain for world. My dream is to make people smile through my music, and to show young kids that it is ok to strive for your dreams. My ultimate dream is to become the first artist who is different to be recognised in the comercial world, so then I can show young teens and also the older generations around the world, that it is never to late to dream big and it doesn’t matter what you look like, what religion you are, or where your from, you can still achieve your dreams!! At the end of the day we are all born with gifts and talents, mine is to inspire you to achieve through my words, to make you smile, dream, imagine through my entertaining, to be passionate through my music, and most of all to never give up!! DREAM BIG NEVER SMALL BELIEVE HOPE WORK HARD AND NEVER GIVE UP!!!! This is my Moto PALESTINIAN TEACHER HANAN AL HROUB WINS US$1 MILLION GLOBAL TEACHER PRIZE 2016 Announcement made by His Holiness Pope Francis BiographyHanan grew up in the Palestinian refugee camp, Bethlehem, where she was regularly exposed to acts of violence. She went into primary education after her children were left deeply traumatised by a shooting incident they witnessed on their way home from school. Her experiences in meetings and consultations to discuss her children’s behaviour, development and academic performance in the years that followed led Hanan to try to help others who, having grown up in similar circumstances, require special handling at school. With so many troubled children in the region, Palestinian classrooms can be tense environments. Hanan embraces the slogan ‘No to Violence’ and uses a specialist approach she developed herself, detailed in her book, ‘We Play and Learn’. She focuses on developing trusting, respectful, honest and affectionate relationships with her students and emphasises the importance of literacy. She encourages her students to work together, pays close attention to individual needs and rewards positive behaviour. Her approach has led to a decline in violent behaviour in schools where this is usually a frequent occurrence; she has inspired her colleagues to review the way they teach, their classroom management strategies and the sanctions they use. I have always said, when a people love their children more than they hate their enemy, they shall have peace. Of course this was said in one way or another by many before me. We often may not have all the answers in life, but teaching children to love, to smile, to be non violent, this is indeed a noble cause. More so because when one is within a deep and difficult conflict, the easy road is always to hate and teach hate.
One must also realize than to go against the popular thinking, and leaderships, who are often infested with hate, one who does such good deeds, well is not always an easy thing to do! I have always believed in embracing goodness, and every now and then you see or hear of people, and you know, you just know, they are the angels, the good ones. They often cross barriers, of religions and cultures and race. If we all thought for the children, then, I can say this. Instead of being right, we would be doing the right thing, two completely different ways of thinking. Happy Birthday Canada!!! Well, to celebrate here are two videos, I will let you the readers comment! :)
A Canada day poem by the beautiful Vienna Bombardieri a fellow Canadian Poet!
(Acroustic) HAPPY CANADA DAY Happy Canada Day Happy Canada Day my fellow Canadians, come watch the Ambient fireworks that burst forth from a smokey sky. The Parks are peppered with red/white flags of valor, citizens eat Piping hot dogs, french fries, and fluffy cotton candy treats. You need to see it to believe it, so come watch the festivities and rock with Canadian artists that take center stage with popular songs on demand. Another year of celebration is at hand, freedom diversity unity as one. It's National pride day, we are happy to live in this beautiful land Adjourn with us plop down your lawn chair and sit for a while, Dance, sing, raise your hands, celebrate and join the party. At the end of day, by 1st of July, Canada makes it happen! Dare to wear your most flamboyant clothes and goofy hats today Amalgamate with your fellow citizens and celebrate the old fashioned way You can hold hands, sing Oh Canada, or ask God to bless your land
![]() How ironic that Boris Johnson mocked Donald Trump only to take up his very same views on most matters. Now I do admit, ISIS, Daesh also have the same mindset, if you are not one of us you are the enemy, and all our problems are caused by people who do not agree or think like us. That no one has seen this common denominator is almost shocking. As the world becomes a smaller place, as cultures are intermixed among nations, as technology has brought humans from around the world together, you would think we would be looking for greater means of interacting and co-operating and assisting each other. The age old analogy, build bridges not walls. With technology and globalization, we have advanced the human cause in so many ways, and of course there have also had adverse side effects. This has been true since the beginning of mankind. We do not stop evolving or advancing, we fix the issues, many unintended. The very success of mankind over all other animals on this planet has been intellect and collaboration. Both go hand in hand, and one without the other would not bring about the same result. And yet, we still carry the burden of tribalism, when we perceive times are difficult we all look for an us verses them ideology to explain are woes away. I say, perceive because quite frankly for many in the west, we have overall never been better off. I would invite some to visit other places around the world, to see how some people have to cope day to day. Whenever ones forms a “Union” be it a marriage, a business, a partnership, a trade agreement, it does not mean there is not a short term cost to one side or another. The concept of any partnership is usually longer term goals. Should BREXIT win, it opens the doors to many separatist causes worldwide, ironically even the Scottish one. The instability this shall bring will affect a much wider area than the UK. Had there been some huge misuse, or corruption, or truly unfair business practices, one could maybe see a justifications for the “exception to the rule” however this is no different than the forces of Donald Trump in the USA stirring up racism and protectionism. I shiver to think that without the Syrian crisis and migration crisis the vote would have been different, and that is for sure a scary thought. In conclusion, one last thought. It is easier to destroy than to build, what can take years to build can take but minutes to destroy. Here in Canada, if a Company or a Union wishes to make a major change in their charter, they are required to get 2/3’s of shareholders or members votes. A mere 50% plus 1 does not suffice. The logic is simple , 50% plus or minus 1 is really civil war, so to garnish 2/3’s vote for major changes insures you are truly respecting the majority wishes, and in fact makes sure that the minority interests are also protected. He is one step ahead of Trump, London is GREAT, I mean he did lose the election, so thats true! I do not say all is perfect, and in any free society it will always be hard to arrive at a total consensus, however, over all, I know this. The methodology and thinking of Donald Trump is wrong, and building bridges is always right. Even I have knee jerk reactions that on contemplation and reflection I realize are based on emotion and not logic and are also wrong.
Remember, there is a difference between being right, and doing the right thing! Not a bad final thought to ponder. Please join me in welcoming Robert Lindley as the new Guest poet of the week! As you can not comment on the guest section, please leave your comments here! thank you!
ROBERT LINDLEY GUNS YES…………. KINDER SURPRISE CHOCOLATES NO…… First, I will understand if you think this a joke, I swear is not, and that’s the scary part. Have you heard of Kinder Surprise? Well who hasn’t? Unless of course you live in the USA! Kinder Surprise is banned in the USA but Guns are just fine. I mean really doesn’t that kinda make my point for me? Now anyone who has some antidotal evidence, I concede, you win, for every example I give you, you can toss one right back. However, if you have an education and wish to debate on empirical evidence, guess what? I win! I know I know the government has no right to control you, and yet you register your car, your kids, your pets your bikes, your 401k’s, you have no fly lists, and I could go on and on. (And all of that seems just fine with you) I mean come on, you ban Chocolates and toys on the odd chance it may harm a child, get real. (More on that later) And where are the amendment protectors with this no fly list? The attacker in Orlando was on a No Fly list, and yet, a machine gun? Ah no problems, he has rights. LOL Ok I can’t stop myself here, someone once told me, you can’t change the second amendment!! I asked him, do you have any idea what “amendment” means? Don’t believe me? Wanna have a laugh? YouTube Jim Jeffries comedic performance on Gun Control. Now, I said to myself, being evil and all, what if Kinder Surprise is the true danger the USA claims it to be? Could terrorists use this as weapon to kill all our children? So I went out and bought a dozen Kinder Surprise Eggs and dropped them off at a daycare, then ran like hell. I was sure I would become notorious, and the most wanted evil killer in all of mankind. No such luck, I passed by an hour later and 12 happy infants had chocolate smeared all over their faces with huge smiles and were playing with toys. Damn! Unlike the Texan mother who is for the right to bear arms and was recently shot in the back by her child while driving, yes she sure protected herself.
Now if there was a Kinder Surprise Egg in the backseat……. Ummmmmmmmmmmm Cheryl Anna Dunn as a favorite on Poetry Soup. She will be missed by all, and we all offer condolences to her family.
The following poem is dedicated to Cheryl. Our Lost Angel of Devotion Cherls Poems on Poetry Soup Cherls Bio Lets see fellow Souprs, I guess in this Bio, I’m suppose to talk about myself, To allow you to get to know me better as a writer and a person. So lets see I grew up next to the Lake Erie basin, near large farms, and wild wooded area’s. My mother could barely read or write, but my father was well educated. My father Always said I had a hunger to learn, and it was never satisfied. I agree with him I started to read at an early age, started to write poetry in forth grade it’s always Been my passion. As a child I’d either be exploring nature, or swimming, pretty Much a tomboy, but when I was home I’d be curled up with a book or two. My Grandmother was a painter, and artist, my father before he got frost bite was A consort pianist, so I give these two credit for where I get any talent from. I love history, and love to learn about everything and anything! I have five Children two girls and three boys. Also by the way I have eight grandchildren. I started raising children when I was 11 years old, my brother's son Billy, who Is handycable. I am really proud of him also, I adopted one child named Jaried Who is quite a writer in his own write, my street poet. Patrick my youngest Whom just turned 18, is a butting artist. My daughters Ashley and Amanda, Who keep me young and active. I love to be by the water, but have never Seen the ocean, this is on my bucket list. But even though I have been published. In small forums, my goal for this year is to get my first real book published. Edger Allen Poe, Frost and Browning , are some of my favorite writers. I’ve been Married for 25 years, and am a still on my honeymoon. I work in the human relations Field, and security. Well I think that does it I hope you find this interesting, I'm not for writing about myself. But I'm glad that I joined the soup, and enjoy meeting people whom share My interest in poetry.Take care and enjoy every moment in life to it's fullest. Not all problems are SO bad. This issue has been around for a few years, and I have seen it on both Chrome and Firefox. We have not encountered the problem recently, but think the fix should still work. Hope this helps. This applies to Google Chrome, on a windows system. Please not this problem has existed for a few years now, I have not seen the issue recently, but in most cases this should work. The issue also happens in Firefox, and even the menus are a bit different the process is the same.
Go to settings Goggle chrome will now be in settings however look at your browser bar It should look like this CHROME://SETTINGS Where is says setting, type over it PLUGINS Disable the flash plug in Go back to SETTINGS, and select ADVANCED SETTINGS The choose Privacy >> Content Settings Scroll down and select the option RUN ALL PLUGINS The go to Google, type Shockwave flash, and Adobe should be your first option and re-install the plug-in. This should do it, if not you can try setting Google Chrome to all default settings, and if that doesn’t work, completely de-install Chrome and start over. Remember this has only been tested on Windows systems and does not apply to Android systems. Also if this works or does not work, it always helps ro report the following Systems: example HP Laptop 7700 I5 processor Operating system: Windows 8.1 professional English Browser Chrome Version 49.0.2623.112 Or say Firefox Ver 42.1 Also the moment you have a browser issue, you should try the same sites on a different browser, we recommend have Firefox/Chrome/Explorer on all systems. In many cases once we have our favorite browser working, we will stop automatic updates of only that browser, if it ain’t broke why fix it? This is not recommended of course, but then we update the browser when we want, not when the vendor wants. A similar issue BROWSER BECOMES SLOW This happens often with Firefox Sometimes the browser will become very slow to the point you think the computer is frozen Simply press Ctl Atl Del to bring up the task manager Go to the tab PROCESSES Click on Firefox, then select close This will close Firefox, and then sometimes close another app called “Plug in container” When this is done, simply restart Firefox Remember to do this is the processes Tab not the application tab, as when you re-open Firefox in this way it gives you the option to restore all your tabs. |
Arthur Vaso
Hi there, the blog has been running for almost a year, and as you can see I try to keep up a few posts a month. More about poetry and fellow poets, but also about current events, social issues as well as art and music. I look forward to any suggestions from readers and fellow poets! Archives
July 2020