![]() This my first blog post here, and as a poet I think I will touch on a few sensitive issues, however speaking out against what is so inherently wrong, for me, is what more of us should be doing. Its ok to have divergent opinions and different views, what is not ok is hate, fascism and fear mongering. It is this very thing that leads people to extremism. Ironic that people thinking using this tactic in the fight against Daesh will work. Hate is hate, not matter the side you think you are on. ( this is based on a poem by the same name.) I am astounded at the rhetoric and vitriol expressions of hate and narrowed mindedness toward refugees and migrants of today. I am hearing this from people in positions of power as well as the average guy in the street. Migrants are Muslim Terrorists, Mexicans are all criminals, Africans are all thieves and on and on the diatribes go. Yes, it seems Donald Trump has taken the banner of leadership for all the uneducated narrow minded fascists out there. He is promoting hatred and racism for his own benefit, and doing so by making blatant statements that are factually untrue. One should be truly ashamed of such actions although I am sure he is not. It’s of course not only Trump. Due to the USA election debates, we are seeing the true colors of a few contenders Lets look (CNN)Chris Christie says the U.S. should not accept any new Syrian refugees, not even young orphans. Christie on refugees: Not even 5-year-old orphans So, I see, its five year olds we have to be worried about now? Well maybe Trump as plans to give them all a Gun for Christmas if they come here. Really? Is this compassion? People escaping the horrors of War, and to some extent one in which you play a role, and therefore have a responsibility too. This isn’t sad, this is sick. Creating fear amongst the population at the expense of orphaned children. Now we also have the genius Scot Walker, the governor of Wisconsin. His idea? He stated, if we can build a wall along the Mexican border, we should consider building one along the Canadian border as well. Really Scot Walker? Ya think? I mean have you been having issues with drunk Canadian beavers sneaking over the borders at night? Are Canadian Moose crossing the border to live high off the hog? Are maybe a few leaves blowing over on to your side? If so we are truly sorry. Now you would think a Governor of a Northern State would have a little more common sense on the issues but apparently not. He was jumping on the Trump wagon, fear fear fear! I am not picking political sides, as it seems it’s the in thing in the western world for all parties to instill fear and dire warnings of doom and gloom, and yes all because of Migrants. Hilary Clinton, now she said all the terrorists of 911 came from Canada. Really? Well ah no, wrong again. To this day she has never apologized for that. Some Migrants by the way are coming from Libya, you remember that country? Hilary ensured utter chaos there. When there was little need at the moment to interfere there, other than it was good “Optics” for an Arab Spring. I am not singling out the USA, all western nations play a role in bringing compassion and aide to people in need, Now usually for most of us, we close our eyes, well folks they be knocking on your doors now. Now back to the big cheese, Donald Trumpet. He wants to deport all the illegal Mexicans and not let in any Syrian refugees. Such a softie with a kind heart that guy. Plus a wall, to keep the rest out! Well I have some news for you Donald Trumpet. More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.Net Loss of 140,000 from 2009 to 2014; Family Reunification Top Reason for Return Yes sir, maybe he should focus on truly making America great again, and well maybe, one does that by bringing in skilled people and people willing to work, not kicking them out. Now, I am not saying open borders and just let everyone in. I think we have the resources to screen, and that we can certainly take up a share of the people so desperate to simply be able to work and live in peace. Surely, even we have so many issues at home, we can still lend a hand to those in far dire needs than our own? I will close saying this, remember this, one day it could be you. How would you like to be treated? Saudi Arabia Bans the adoption of Syrian Orphans, Do we wish to follow in their path? We are all humans; do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
1 Comment
You are right, the fear of the unknown and of each other keep politicians in power, they thrive on ignorance. Instead of building walls, why don't we knock them done, we are not caged animals after all. You're informative impression on various subjects is respected. Your opinions hold substance and makes others truly think about the subject from different perspectives.
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Arthur Vaso
Hi there, the blog has been running for almost a year, and as you can see I try to keep up a few posts a month. More about poetry and fellow poets, but also about current events, social issues as well as art and music. I look forward to any suggestions from readers and fellow poets! Archives
July 2020