2016 for some reason seems to have been a terrible year to have been famous! (Yes I am very nervous now!!) So many have passed on. Maybe it’s because I recognized so many names this year, or maybe it’s because so many passed away dramatically at the end of the year that it’s foremost in the mind. Of course it is sad when anyone passes on, however I think when someone famous we know passes away, it’s a stark reminder of our own mortality. When they are famous it’s as if part of our past has died. I have included a list, and although its not all, and I don’t know all of them, it’s a list of either famous Actors/Actresses, Entertainers, Singers, poets, famous people and sports heroes, meaning Hockey players as that’s the only true sport, if you really think about it. For some of you, there will be a few surprises, yes as a special gift I bring death! As the list contains a few persons who are indeed famous but maybe not well know in Canada or America. I should also point out that although not in this list many an Arthur passed away this year. This and the fact so many famous people passed on, well call me paranoid but I am nervous! Yes I am! Please Lord, don’t take me just yet!! Leave a few of us FAMOUS people around for another year!! I want to make it to 2017, as much as I have killed myself so many times within my poetry, it was my idea to do so, the fact someone else wants to take me away I find offensive! I have hired 3 heart surgeons, 3 Doctors, a Dozen nurses from Wales, to monitor my health status and keep me going. I have cut down to 1 large pizza a day and won’t even have whiskey with breakfast. I mean there’s like a day left, and I will skip Kentucky Fried Chicken tomorrow, so hopefully I will be around in 2017! If not, well Cheers! Gordie Howe joins Jean Belliveau in Hockey Heaven
Charmaine Chircop
12/31/2016 06:29:02 pm
Fantastic Blog Art.Indeed so many famous people left us in 2016 but their spirit linger forever in our hearts.Happy New Year 2017 :) CC
Jan Allison
1/1/2017 04:50:00 am
I had a huge lump in my throat reading your list :-( Hugs Jan xx
1/1/2017 06:02:54 am
"Always look on the bright side of life" Arthur. You would appear near the top of that list, rather than the usual bottom. A humongous hug on a Happy New Year's Day. x
Paul Callus
1/1/2017 09:43:14 am
You are the only person that I know of who will die laughing, Art!! Glad that you are still alive and kicking :) I know of a young nurse in Scotland who is presently out of work...maybe you can offer her a job!!
1/1/2017 07:09:43 pm
Amaizing Blog Arthur. so sad too many famous people left us in 2016..life is not fair sometimes... and hope 2017 will be better!
Aurore S
1/2/2017 12:54:33 am
Happy New Year Arthur, death seems a part of life we can not escape, great blog my friend.
1/2/2017 01:47:56 pm
So many lost, great Blog and Happy New Years
Robert J. Lindley
1/2/2017 10:26:55 pm
Seems to me there was a roll call for some mighty talented people to join a new show in heaven above.
Lena Mickou
1/18/2017 11:53:33 pm
I found this searching for George Michael, so many seemed to pass on last year. Will browse your blog!
1/19/2017 12:55:20 am
Yes, it was like 2016 would just never end, it went on and on and on.... So painful!
1/20/2017 07:08:25 pm
Many great ones left us in 2016, nice blog.
1/20/2017 11:43:26 pm
very nice blog Arthur! too many great one left us in 2016!!!
1/30/2017 11:30:50 pm
So many so many, death scares me.
3/12/2017 12:51:24 pm
It was depressing and it feels like it's still going on
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Arthur Vaso
Hi there, the blog has been running for almost a year, and as you can see I try to keep up a few posts a month. More about poetry and fellow poets, but also about current events, social issues as well as art and music. I look forward to any suggestions from readers and fellow poets! Archives
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