Paris Jackson opens up on Suicide
No matter how famous, or not, how rich or how poor, no matter our race, religion, culture, no one, especially children, should be bullied. I was saddened when I heard of Paris Jackson's ordeal when only fourteen. I commend her now for having the courage to speak out, so that not only she, but others can know they are not alone.
When I think of all her father stood for, I wish Paris only the best and hope she never lets the hate defeat the love Arthur Vaso, September 2016 |
Paris Jackson
The shackles of fame Can make one insane The shackles of pain When strangers show such disdain Rich or poor, child or more We all love to be loved and tenderly hugged Some feel mocking empowers They bring other people sad rain showers A child, deserves the love of humanity Not the bully’s crazy insanity Hate is a river That can rage to a flood Love is the sunshine That creates all of gods flowers So take ye heart and wear it proud For speaking your mind and saying it loud If you can count your true friends on only one hand You may be the luckiest of all in the land I will never let hate change who I am For I shall always love and make my stand! |
Jihad The battle Knights and swords Devils and silent men in masks The bombs come raining down Arms and legs flay both here and over there Blood is lost, families tossed Fighting over who is the more righteous Boss Jihad Jihad Mummy and daddy are all but gone My little brother where did you put your arms? A child born into a war cries at the violence We all abhor Childhood stolen Barrels of monkeys Barrel bombs The orphanage, the respite from all that’s wrong Jihad Jihad Jihad Jeffries said it best Hate shall never defeat hate or haters jest So an angels hand became a mothers loves Two brothers arm in arm with warmth of the doves Traveling to safer havens Angels know, the afterglow, of inner strength and peace Jihad Hallelujah He is more man than ever I When you see his smile, it makes you cry For the self pity of a deedless life Here he is, with a heart wrapped in sheath of gold Here he is to sing, a story that must be told Imagine Emmanuel singing to you, with a soul born of Iraq Hallelujah Hallelujah Maybe there are dreams above Maybe the hell will burn itself out Emmanuel is the star of hope Rising above, angelic voices that envelope When days are cloudy And you have your doubts Think of the gardens of Babylon Where long ago a thousand Emmanuel’s would sing Hallelujah Hallelujah When we see the smiles from inside the soul Shining, we hear the voice from Dead Sea scrolls Heart to heart, the voices heard From the masses of humanity Emmanuel you are the inspiration Of what we wish all the world to be Hallelujah |
There are no words, ok other than maybe my poem, to explain the the inspiration Emmanuel and his brother are to all of us.
Ahmed, his brother
Gasoline tears
Dedicated to the victims of the attack in Nice, France 2016
The truck
Plows forward
Into the masses
Blood and destruction
Morality hijacked by abduction
Evil deeds pervade these cloudy days
Compassion is tossed into the sea in place of the devils seduction
Humanity dances with both tears and foe, the meek shall be the victors
Satan’s followers shall face the garrote, headless will be those boa constrictors
Do not be fooled by silent ones and men behind masks disguising their petty angers
Humanity dances with both tears and foe, the meek shall be the victors
Rays of the sun, the glow of the moon, and the beat of loves heart
Flower gardens shall grow tall, on the soil of the rotten evil ones
Goodwill shall peak behind the clouds, hugging humanity
Compassion shall dance on angelic wings
Love and passion triumphant
Plows forward towards
Dedicated to the victims of the attack in Nice, France 2016
The truck
Plows forward
Into the masses
Blood and destruction
Morality hijacked by abduction
Evil deeds pervade these cloudy days
Compassion is tossed into the sea in place of the devils seduction
Humanity dances with both tears and foe, the meek shall be the victors
Satan’s followers shall face the garrote, headless will be those boa constrictors
Do not be fooled by silent ones and men behind masks disguising their petty angers
Humanity dances with both tears and foe, the meek shall be the victors
Rays of the sun, the glow of the moon, and the beat of loves heart
Flower gardens shall grow tall, on the soil of the rotten evil ones
Goodwill shall peak behind the clouds, hugging humanity
Compassion shall dance on angelic wings
Love and passion triumphant
Plows forward towards
Hanan al-Hroub
(acroustic poem) Hatred will never destroy an enemy A path to victory can be garnered with roses No one wins the heart with a gun Another day of tears, dying children fulfills no cause Nourish the heart to renounce violent ways All the fruits of the garden shall then be reaped Lovers should be free to walk the promenades and flowery streets Hatred will only destroy you from within Robbing you of dignity, dreams, making days grim Overtures, a symphonic army of music Underscoring the resolve to make them feel the human bond Bountiful is the reward, when love unites PALESTINIAN TEACHER HANAN AL HROUB WINS US$1 MILLION GLOBAL TEACHER PRIZE 2016 You can find more information on my blog! |
Silent Killer
This is a poem I wrote a little while back. By chance a few friends I know are suffering from terminal disease and cancer, and its heart wrenching to even think about, I wrote this for myself and hesitated to post it, such a sad topic, that people hope never to face, yet here it is, life. The idea for the concept for the poem cam while I was reading a historical account on the Falklands War and it gave me the idea to tackle the issue of cancer as a battle. |
Kill the Silent One
He has invaded, unseen Lurking and silent Evil destroying one and all From cell to cell Crawling underneath Leaching blood and soul Smiles are murdered Futures destroyed Families ruined The silent one is a killer Who must be killed The order has been given Command centre now on full alert Maps perused and studied Strategies contemplated The invasion........... Will be at early dawn Men prepare their battle gear The landing party both excited and nervous Life depends on them Ones death also looms They have no guilt No fear For whom shall be killed The silent one's days are numbered Victory is their only option and concern War has been declared And We shall overcome The silent one The dawn is approaching The men kit up in their uniforms Preparing equipment, double checking their instruments They march forth ready to do to battle At dawn, as the brightness above shines down upon them They enter the theater of operations Weapons ready Doctors in full dress Scrub nurses ready for action Technicians monitoring vital signs The battle has begun More saline, clamps, increase IV, Scalpels Blood stains the heroes of the moment The end, a silence, a satisfaction, a tear This patient can be declared Cancer free The silent one was murdered Cancer removed Life restored Family rejoices Tears and kisses This battle won |
Black Winter
She hid behind veil The coldness Her companion The umbrella her armor I died Years before Her last kiss In heaven I adore I shed tears At my widows pain In paradise I go insanely insane Black widows Weep in the dark Dead spies No one finds, eaten by sharks Shifting winds Freezing rains Snow drops reliving The survivor’s pain As she walks down her rue of memories Umbrella shielding her tormented face Embracing the coldness, embracing lost fate Teardrops wipe the history from her case We never existed us two When I died under enemy plans My lover had to flee her fathers land No one is safe at Palestinian hands Hatred buried so deep Hamas bloody knifes never sleep Child and foe, kill them for the goal My lover is dead, Arabic beauties lost soul Israel is the Promised Land |
Hearts and Solitaire
The deck of cards Flies away in the wind Leaving those alone Playing solitaire I see the pain written on faces I feel humanities disgraces I can not play this lonely game I run and hide from solitary fame In the window, you see me over there? I am not cold or in despair I have a meal and more to spare I hide from musical encounters, beggars too I feel such pain I feel the tears Of that lonely man He with no teeth, in sleet and rain Me even worse off, heartless and slain Solitaire is indeed a lonely game |

I swear to do good deeds
I proclaim to help the poor and needy
Please not while I am eating
Leave me the hell alone
You degenerate bum
My wine, my wine
Mon Dieu
Is cold n'est pas?
Garcon, my jacket!
Wheels spinning to charity
I swear to do good deeds
I proclaim to help the poor and needy
Please not while I am eating
Leave me the hell alone
You degenerate bum
My wine, my wine
Mon Dieu
Is cold n'est pas?
Garcon, my jacket!
Wheels spinning to charity
How lucky we are, and how lucky am I, to be able to even write this, that one evening in Paris, outside and after a lovely evening enjoying the fine cuisine and wine, a beggar, brought my soul to bare and ponder, as here I am deciding on who and whom not deserves charity, whilst a homeless man in Paris with a broken back, he feeds all the birds. This is not a condemnation of any one, more a call to question, how we as individuals and as a society handle such issues. I will say this, all good deeds however small, are good deeds indeed. It’s never black in white in real life, so to question ones actions, all actions is also never a bad endeavor.
We share this wolrd,brothers and sisters, past, present and future.
Happiness comes from having a kind an open heart
I would wish as humans we never let evil overtake our basic desires to do good to our fellow man
Happiness comes from having a kind an open heart
I would wish as humans we never let evil overtake our basic desires to do good to our fellow man